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dc.contributor.authorKorkmaz Dayican, Damla
dc.contributor.authorÜlker Eksi, Büşra
dc.contributor.authorYiğit, Şafak
dc.contributor.authorUtku Umut, Gulsena
dc.contributor.authorÖzyürek, Burçin
dc.contributor.authorYılmaz, Hayrettin Emir
dc.contributor.authorAkıncı, Buket
dc.identifier.citationKorkmaz Dayican, D., Ulker Eksi, B., Yigit, S., Utku Umut, G., Ozyurek, B., Yilmaz, H. E., & Akinci, B. (2024). Immediate Effects of High-Intensity Blood Flow Restriction Training on Muscle Performance and Muscle Soreness. Research quarterly for exercise and sport, 1–10. Advance online publication.
dc.description.abstractPurpose: The aim was to investigate the immediate effects of high-intensity resistance training with blood flow restriction (HIRT-BFR) on rectus femoris (RF) muscle activity, reaction time, muscular performance, and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) in healthy young adults. Methods: Twenty-four healthy young adults were randomized into the HIRT-BFR group or HIRT group. Both groups performed a single session of training with 80% of 1RM, 8 repetitions, 2 sets, and 3 minutes rest to RF muscle. The activity and reaction time of the dominant extremity RF muscle were evaluated by superficial electromyography (sEMG), muscular performance by single-leg squat test, and DOMS by the Visual Analog Scale. Results: Single-leg squat performance was significantly increased in HIRT-BFR (p = .001) and HIRT group (p = .04). Additionally, in HIRT group resting average (p = .03), resting maximal voluntary contraction % (p = .04), and relaxation minimum (p = .02) values of RF were significantly increased. DOMS level decreased significantly in HIRT-BFR (p < .001) and HIRT group (p = .019). The differences were similar in the groups for sEMG parameters, muscle performance, and DOMS level. Conclusion: We observed that HIRT-BFR and HIRT were similar in terms of muscle activation, reaction time, muscular performance of the RF, and DOMS level.en_US
dc.publisherRoutledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltden_US
dc.subjectKan akışı kısıtlamasıen_US
dc.subjectBlood flow restrictionen_US
dc.subjectOklüzyon eğitimien_US
dc.subjectOcclusion trainingen_US
dc.subjectDirenç eğitimien_US
dc.subjectResistance trainingen_US
dc.titleImmediate Effects of High-Intensity Blood Flow Restriction Training on Muscle Performance and Muscle Sorenessen_US
dc.departmentMeslek Yüksekokulları, Meslek Yüksekokulu, Terapi ve Rehabilitasyon Bölümüen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorYiğit, Şafak
dc.relation.journalResearch Quarterly for Exercise and Sporten_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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