Halkla İlişkiler ve Reklamcılık Bölümü Koleksiyonu

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  • Öğe
    Determination of job stress levels of physical education and sport teachers
    (Campus EDUCA SPORTIS S.L., 2025) Hergüner, Gülten; Yücel, Ali Serdar; Bal, Fatih; Özpınar, Saliha; Yaman, Çetin; Korkmaz, Murat; Kuyucu, Mihalis Michael
    This study investigates how the job stress levels of physical education and sport teachers vary according to gender, age, educational status and job position. Within the scope of the research, the data obtained from 520 teachers were used and the job stress questionnaire was evaluated under four main subheadings. The results of Bartlett's test and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) coefficient for the suitability of the data for factor analysis showed that the data were quite suitable for factor analysis; while the workload sub-heading explained the highest variance with 26.7%, skill use explained 14.2%, decision freedom explained 12.03% and social support explained 11.6% of the total variance. In the analyses based on gender differences, it was determined that male teachers had higher levels of workload stress, while female teachers had higher levels of skill use, decision freedom and social support stress. In the analyses conducted between age groups, no significant differences were found in the sub-dimensions. Similar results were obtained in the analyses conducted according to education levels. In the analyses conducted according to job positions, it was determined that administrators did not differ from non-administrators in all dimensions. These results show that it is important to customise job stress management strategies according to gender, age and job positions. It is emphasised that general stress management strategies should be developed to cover all demographic groups. © 2025, Campus EDUCA SPORTIS S.L.. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    Determining the attitudes of university and high school students towards sports by structural equation modelling
    (Sielae & Univ Coruna, Fac Filologia, 2024) Yücel, Ali Serdar; Korkmaz, Murat; Hergüner, Gülten; Yaman, Çetin; Bal, Fatih; Kuyucu, Mihalis Michael
    Sport is considered as an important service sector with its protective features for personal and public health, and developed countries regard sport as an indispensable part of their social life. The main purpose of this study is to assess factors affecting views of high school and university students towards sports. Within the scope of the study, the sample of the study is composed of 8546 students chosen with random method throughout Turkey. 5-point Likert scale consisting of 19 questions was used in order to determine views of the participants towards sports within the framework of the research. For analysing data, frequency analysis, reliability analysis and explanatory factor analysis were used in order to determine attitudes of students towards sports while structural equation model analyses were used in order to determine the relationship among the said factors regarding views towards sports. According to significance values of test statistics, all measured questions were statistically found significant for social- psychological attitude factor and physical mental attitude factor. According to the result of the model, there is a same-oriented and statistically significant relationship between social- psychological attitudes of students and their physical-mental attitudes. According to this result, when the views of students tend to be positive socially-psychologically towards sports, their physical-mental attitudes also become positive in parallel with this change. In line with the acquired result, it is necessary to demonstrate positive effects of sports on individuals socially, psychologically, physically and mentally in order to enable students to become more inclined to sports.
  • Öğe
    Attitudes of sport parents towards children's eating habits
    (Campus Educa Sportis S.L., 2024) Özpınar, Saliha; Yücel, Ali Serdar; Korkmaz, Murat; Hergüner, Gülten; Yaman, Çetin; Sevil, Ümran; Kuyucu, Michael Mihalis
    Today, parents have assumed important roles in shaping their children's eating habits in social and daily life. Especially the tendency of parents who do sports to transfer their healthy lifestyles to their children has positive effects on children's eating habits. This study examines the attitudes of parents on this issue and the effects of these attitudes on children's eating habits. In line with the aim of the study, the attitudes of parents who do sports towards their children's eating habits were investigated. The rationale of the study is to focus on how parents' attitudes towards nutrition affect their children's eating habits and the contribution of these attitudes to children's general health and sports performance. The findings of the study show that parents' nutrition attitudes are critical for children to develop a healthy lifestyle. This study was conducted between 2023-2024 and 860 parents and their children participated in the study. The data obtained from the study were collected using a 5-point Likert-type scale form with validity and reliability and analysed with SPSS 22.0 software. Various statistical techniques such as descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, independent sample t-test, ANOVA, factor and regression analyses were used in the study. The findings obtained at the end of the research show that parents' nutritional attitudes have significant effects on children's eating habits. Parents' attitudes towards healthy eating and physical activity positively affect children's eating habits. Children of parents who do sports develop healthier eating habits, are more active and take part in physical activities. The study reveals that parents' nutritional attitudes contribute to children's general health and sports performance. © 2024, Campus EDUCA SPORTIS S.L.. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    Investigation of the effects of some demographic characteristics of female athletes on emotional intelligence and life satisfaction
    (2024) Yücel, Ali Serdar; Kuyucu, Michael Mihalis; Hergüner, Gülten; Yaman, Çetin; Özpınar, Saliha; Bal, Fatih; Korkmaz, Murat
    In many subjects and fields, emotional intelligence refers to the ability of individuals to understand, express and manage their own emotions and the emotions of others. Especially sport is known to have a significant effect on emotional intelligence. In this study, it was aimed to examine the effects of some demographic characteristics of female athletes on emotional intelligence and life satisfaction. The participants were all women and analyses were performed by taking into account age groups, sports branches and education departments. Emotional intelligence and life satisfaction scales were evaluated by factor analysis and the suitability of the data was confirmed by Bartlett's test. The internal consistency of the questionnaire was evaluated with Cronbach's alpha coefficients. Anova, Kruskal Wallis and Jonckheere-Terpstra tests were used to analyse the data. All analyses were performed with SPSS v22.0. 34% of the participants were 18-21 years old, 45% were 22-25 years old and 21% were over 26 years old. 31% were interested in team sports and 69% were interested in individual sports. The fields of education are 37% coaching, 32% physical education and sports teaching, 31% sports management. According to the factor analysis results, Bartlett's test p<0.001 and KMO coefficient 0.896 were found. Cronbach's alpha coefficients ranged between 0.583 and 0.924. While some factors differed according to age, no difference was found according to sport branch. While evaluation of own emotions and social skills differed according to departments, other factors did not differ. Participants over 26 years of age had low scores in the use of emotions and life satisfaction factors. These findings provide important clues for developing strategies for improving emotional intelligence and increasing life satisfaction.
  • Öğe
    Actitudes de los padres deportistas ante los hábitos alimentarios de sus hijos
    (2024) Özpınar, Saliha; Yücel, Ali Serdar; Korkmaz, Murat; Hergüner, Gülten; Yaman, Çetin; Sevil, Ümran; Kuyucu, Michael Mihalis
    Today, parents have assumed important roles in shaping their children\"s eating habits in social and daily life. Especially the tendency of parents who do sports to transfer their healthy lifestyles to their children has positive effects on children\"s eating habits. This study examines the attitudes of parents on this issue and the effects of these attitudes on children\"s eating habits. In line with the aim of the study, the attitudes of parents who do sports towards their children\"s eating habits were investigated. The rationale of the study is to focus on how parents\" attitudes towards nutrition affect their children\"s eating habits and the contribution of these attitudes to children\"s general health and sports performance. The findings of the study show that parents\" nutrition attitudes are critical for children to develop a healthy lifestyle. This study was conducted between 2023-2024 and 860 parents and their children participated in the study. The data obtained from the study were collected using a 5-point Likert-type scale form with validity and reliability and analysed with SPSS 22.0 software. Various statistical techniques such as descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, independent sample t-test, ANOVA, factor and regression analyses were used in the study. The findings obtained at the end of the research show that parents\" nutritional attitudes have significant effects on children\"s eating habits. Parents\" attitudes towards healthy eating and physical activity positively affect children\"s eating habits. Children of parents who do sports develop healthier eating habits, are more active and take part in physical activities. The study reveals that parents\" nutritional attitudes contribute to children\"s general health and sports performance.
  • Öğe
    Dijitalleşme ve Görsel Çalışmalar/Dijital Çağda Reklamın Dönüşümü: Dijital Reklamcılık
    (2023) Dündar, Alper
    Küreselleşme süreci ve internetin ortaya çıkışı ile günümüzde kitle iletişim araçları ve buna bağlı olarak da medya ve pazarlama araçları da gelişim ve değişim göstermektedir. Değişen ve gelişen bu araçlarda hem insanları hem de toplumları etkileyerek onların hayat tarzını ve tüketim alışkanlıklarını da değiştirmeye başlamıştır. Teknolojik gelişmeler ile birlikte internetin de ortaya çıkmasıyla hem toplumlar hem de pazarlama ve medya aktiviteleri derinden etkilenmiştir. İnternet ile beraber insanlar daha çok sanal ortamlarda vakit geçirmeye başlamıştır. İnsanlar sanal ortamlarda alışveriş yapmaya, diğer insanlarla diyaloğa girmeye ve kendi özellikleri doğrultusunda çeşitli aktiviteleri aramaya yönlenmişlerdir. Bu da pazarlama aktivitelerinin geleneksel ortamlardan ziyade daha çok dijital ortamlara kaymasına yol açmıştır. Dijital mecralara geçerek değişim gösteren en önemli pazarlama faaliyetlerinden biri de reklamcılıktır. Dijitalleşme ile beraber reklamcılık daha çok insana ulaşır hale gelmiştir. Daha çok televizyonda görmeye alıştığımız reklamlar, internetin gelişimi ile beraber artık dijital ortamlarda da efektif bir şekilde yer almakta ve ulaşılmak istenen hedef kitlelere göre konumlandırılmaktadır. Dijitalleşme ile birlikte reklamın değişen ve gelişen doğası da tam anlamıyla tüketicilere ulaşmayı hedeflemekte ve dijital mecralar sayesinde de bunu gerçekleştirmektedir. Bu sayede de markaların artık geleneksel mecralardan ziyade dijital mecralara doğru hareket halinde olması ve dijital ortamlarda bulunan tüketicilere ulaşması hedeflenmektedir. Buna göre de bu çalışma temel olarak değişen pazarlama ortamları çerçevesinde reklamın geleneksel doğasından çıkıp dijitalleşme çağında yaşadığı ana dönüşümü tartışmayı amaçlamaktadır. Araştırma, dijital çağda reklamın geleneksel mecralardan, dijital mecraya adaptasyonu ve buna bağlı olarak da reklamın yeni bir forma bürünerek tüketicilere ulaşmasının örneklerini ele alarak incelenmekte ve buradan hareketle dijital reklamların temel özelliklerini ortaya koymaya çalışmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Dijitalleşme,Reklam,Dijital Reklam,İnternet,Televizyon ABSTRACT The process of the globalization and the appear of the internet change and develop the mass media and the marketing tools. This change effects both humanity and the customers. With the help of the this change people use the digital marketing items so much and these digital marketing items influence them frequently. The appear of the internet influence both society, media and marketing activities. With the effect of the internet people start to spend their times in the virtual environments and because of this marketing activities change their way from traditional mediums to digital mediums. People prefer to use internet more than television and this choice makes the internet and digital marketing applications more powerful than the traditional media. Advertising is one of the most popular marketing tool in the digital medium. The advertisements, which we are accustomed to seeing mostly on television, are now taking place effectively in the digital media and now advertisements are positioned easily to reach the target audiences. With the digitalization, advertisements totally targeting to reach the consumers. Digitalization helps the brands to influence the consumers effectively. In this way brands are moving to the digital mediums than the traditional mediums and they are aiming to reach consurmers. Accordingly, this study are aiming to discuss digital advertising which changes its form from traditional medium to digital medium. This research, mainly handle the digital advertising and its adaptation to the new mediums with the examples of digital advertising. Also the study exhibits the main properties of the digital advertising.
  • Öğe
    Deepfake Teknolojisinin Reklamda Kullanımı: Aksigorta Dijital Güvenlik Platformu Reklamının Görsel Anali·zi·
    (2023) Dündar, Alper
    Günümüzde küreselleşme ile ortaya çıkan teknolojik gelişmeler yaşamın her alanında etkisini hissettiren bir konumda bulunmaktadır. Ortaya çıkan bu teknolojik gelişmelerin etkilediği mecralardan biri de reklam alanı olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Reklam temelde bir ürün ya da markanın kitle iletişim araçları vasıtası ile tüketicilere tanıtılması anlamını içermektedir. Teknolojik değişim ile reklamda kullanılan kitle iletişim araçlarının konumları ve etkileri de değişmeye başlamıştır. Kullanımı yaygınlaşan internet ve buna bağlı olarak ortaya çıkan yeni teknolojiler ile çok çeşitli uygulamalar da kullanıma sunulmuştur. Deepfake teknolojisi de kullanıma açılan bu yeni uygulamalardan biridir. Deepfake uygulaması temelde bir kişinin yüzünün başka bir kişinin yüzüne eklenmesi ve eşleştirilmesi amacına dayanan bir teknoloji türüdür. İlk ortaya çıktığı zaman daha çok sosyal medyada kullanım ağına sahip olan bu teknoloji artık görsel unsurların ön planda olduğu bütün platformlarda kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Reklamlarda hem görsel hem de işitsel unsurların ön planda olduğu bir alan olduğu için deepfake teknolojisinin kullanım imkânı sunduğu bir mecra olmuştur. Araştırmanın konusu deepfake teknolojisinin reklamda kullanımının görsel açıdan bir analizini yaparak ortaya çıkardığı etkiyi incelemektir. Buna göre Barış Manço’nun oynadığı Aksigorta Dijital Güvenlik Platformu reklamı Roland Barthes’in ortaya koyduğu göstergebilimsel yaklaşım yoluyla analiz edilmiştir. Yapılan analiz çerçevesinde ise reklamda deepfake teknolojisi kullanımının görsel etki bakımından olumlu bir durum oluşturduğu incelenen reklam filmi üzerinden ortaya konulmuştur.
  • Öğe
    Reklamda Hikaye Anlatımının Kullanımı The Lamp Reklam Filminin Anlatı Reklamcılığı Bağlamında Yapısal Analizi
    (2024) Dündar, Alper
    Marka iletişimi çalışmalarında kullanılan hikaye anlatımı unsuru bu çalışmanın temel odak noktasını oluşturmaktadır. Hikaye anlatımı unsurunun reklamlarda kullanımı ile markalar tüketicileri duygusal yönden etkilemeyi amaçlayarak markanın tüketici ile bütünleşmesini istemektedirler. Hikayeleştirme unsuru ile birlikte firmalar, markalarını daha samimi bir şekilde tüketicilere anlatabilirler. Bu kapsamda markaların hikaye unsurunu kullanarak vermek istedikleri mesajların etkilerini değerlendirmek bu çalışmanın temelini oluşturur. Araştırmada IKEA’nın ikonik reklam serisi olan The Lamp ve The Lamp 2 reklam filmleri değerlendirilmiştir. Bu reklam filmleri William Labov’un yapısal anlatı analizi yöntemi kullanılarak özet, tanıtım, olay örgüsü, değerlendirme, çözüm ve koda kavramları çerçevesinde incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonucuna göre ise reklamlarda hikayeleştirme unsurunun kullanımının duygu yoğunluğunu arttırdığı ve verilmek istenen mesajın etkisini yükselttiği görülmüştür. Bu bağlamda hem tüketim hem de sürdürülebilirlik noktasında anlatı reklamcılığının etkili bir sunum biçimi olduğu görülmektedir.
  • Öğe
    Kültür ve mekan araştırmaları
    (Nobel, 2022) Turgay, Orkunt; Demir, Tahsin; Yücetürk, Merve; Dündar, Alper; Ada, Elvan; Doğan, Tane; Öztürk, Sezer Volkan; Günay Aksoy, Şennur; Yön, Belma; Kaptan, Merve; Sıcakkan Özerden, Selin; Erol, Volkan; İbiş, Salim
    Tabiatın yarattığı tüm unsurlara karşılık, insanın, toplumların kendileri için yararlı bir hedefe ulaşma yolunda yarattığı her şey, gösterdikleri çaba ve bu çabaların sonucunda ürettiklerinin evrensel adı kültür olarak tanımlanmıştır. İçinde bulunulan toplumsal koşullar ve düzen ile yeniden üretilmekte olan kültür kavramı; belirli ve/veya genel bir yaşam tarzını gösteren antropolojik ve sosyolojik anlamının yanı sıra sanatsal, düşünsel faaliyetleri de kapsayan geniş "ilişkiler örüntüsü" olarak yaşanmakta ve öğrenilmektedir. Dolayısıyla kültür kavramına yönelik terim dizinindeki çeşitliliğin nedeni, kavramın sadece bilimsel değil aynı zamanda toplumsal ve tarihsel derinliğe sahip oluşuyla da açıklanmaktadır.
  • Öğe
    Understanding the absurd ‘inside’
    (Dergi Park, 2022) Kaptan, Merve; Karaca, Pınar
    Lost in a basement, or locked up in himself, a man contemplates the horror of his scandalous life. The more he struggles to see, the more he becomes ridiculous. His hatred grows of his inability to exist as a complete being. Anyone who sees Zeki Demirkubuz’s Yeraltı (Inside) would be struck by his antihero character Muharrem who is coupled with the absurd. This is a socially frustrated individual who seems to defend the irrational and the absurd instead of the rational and commonsensical ideas of his age. For the spectator, the question of empathy arises at this level: How is an identification in empathy with an antihero possible? This study aims to assess the possibility of identification in empathy with another self through Demirkubuz’s character Muharrem, inspired by Dostoevsky’s novel Notes from Underground, by taking the German philosopher Wilhelm Dilthey’s article The Understanding of Other Persons and Their Expressions as the reference point. Following Dilthey’s thesis, we will argue that what seems contrary to commonsense and self-contradictory can be read and understood within an existentialist framework. This framework is presented by underlining some major paradoxes in Muharrem’s way of thinking and behaving when facing the universal nothingness devoid of God.