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  • Öğe
    Online cognitive behavioral stress management program for breast cancer patients
    (Nobel Ilac, 2024) Savaş, Esra; Keleş, Merve; Tin, Özlem
    Objective: Breast cancer is a challenging process that affects the diagnosed people and their social environment psychologically, physiologically, socially, and economically. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of the Online Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management (CBSM) for Cancer program, which is structured for people diagnosed with cancer to develop coping methods that will enable them to cope with the stress they experience healthily and actively. The research question is whether attending the CBSM program is effective for the psychological well-being of breast cancer patients or not. Material and Method: The study was completed with a total of 35 people, 17 in the experimental group and 18 in the control group. The pretest-posttest results of the experimental and control groups were analyzed. The independent sample t-test was used in the comparison of the two groups of experimental and control groups. Paired sample t-test was used to compare the pretest-posttest scores of each group. Results: There was a significant difference observed between the experimental and control groups in the post-test measurements in terms of psychosocial adjustment to illness, assessment of coping attitudes, depression, hope, state, and trait anxiety (p<0.001). There was no significant difference in the pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental and control groups in terms of mental adjustment to cancer. Conclusion: The CBSM program for breast cancer patients is effective in coping with daily and illness-related stress by increasing psychological well-being: increased psychosocial adjustment, adaptation and decreased depression, and anxiety. © 2024, Nobelmedicus. All rights reserved.
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    Anterior Bölge Restorasyonların Endikasyonları ve Uyulması Gereken Estetik Kurallar
    (2023) Sarıalioğlu Güngör, Ayca
    Estetik bir gülüş, dişlerin boyut, şekil, konum ve renklerinin birbirlerine ve onları çevreleyen unsurlara göre orantılı ve uyumlu olduğu bir gülüş olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Hastanın dişeti, dudakları ve yüz hatları ile uyumlu, estetik açıdan tatmin edici restorasyonlar oluşturmak, estetik diş hekimliğinde en önemli unsurlardan biridir. Son yıllarda hastaların farkındalık seviyelerinin artmasına bağlı olarak mekanik olarak işlevsel ve estetik açıdan mükemmel restorasyonların talep edilmesi de artmaktadır. Tedavi sürecinde klinisyen, kişisel beklentilerin, gülüş algısının ve güzelliğin bireysel çeşitlilik gösterebileceğini göz önünde bulundurmalıdır. Ayrıca hastanın okluzyonu ve anatomik varyasyonları nihai sonuçları etkileyebilmektedir. Bu nedenle, hastanın dişleri, dudakları ve yüzü ile uyumlu, estetik açıdan hoş restorasyonlar oluşturmak için klinisyen bazı geometrik noktaları ve özel referansları kullanmalıdır. Anterior bölge restorasyonlarının tasarımında bu özel kuralların hastada uygulanması hoş, estetik ve doğal bir final görünüm yaratacaktır. Bu derlemenin amacı diş hekimliğinde yaygın olarak kullanılan bazı estetik kuralları değerlendirmek ve bunların uygulanmasının geçerliliğini tartışmaktır.
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    Koruyucu ve Toplum Temelli Psikiyatri Uygulamalarında Psikoloğun Rolü
    (2022) Aksoy, Şennur Günay
    Günümüzde evrensel boyutta ruhsal bozukluklar önemli oranda yeti yitimine neden olmaktadır. Ruh sağlığı hizmetlerinin iyileştirilmesi salt tıbbi tedavi ve hastane temelli rehabilitasyon dışında koruyucu ve önleyici ruh sağlığı hizmetlerinin sunulmasını ve bireylerin psikosoyal alanda yaşadıkları sorunlara dokunan bir modelde ele alınmasını gerektirir. Toplum temelli ruh sağlığı çalışmalarının öncelikli amacı ağır ruh sağlığı sorunları olan bireylerin; hastaneye yatırılmalarını önlemek, yeti yitimlerini en az seviyeye indirgemek, yitirilen işlevlerin yeniden kazandırılmasını veya iyileştirilmesini sağlamaktır. Toplum temelli ruh sağlığı hizmetlerinin bir diğer yönü ruh sağlığı açısından risk taşıyan bireyleri ve aile üyelerini tespit ederek koruycu ruh sağlığı hizmetlerinin sağlanmasıdır. Toplum ruh sağlığı merkezlerinde çalışan psikologlar psikoeğitim, psikometri incelemeler, özgün ruh sağlığı gruplarını hedefleyen grup psikoterapilerinin düzenlenmesi, sorun ve stresle baş etme becerilerinin artırılması etiketleme ile mücadele ve aile eğitimleri konusunda etkin olarak görev alırlar.
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    From Convenience to Consequences: Unraveling FOMO in the Lives of Gen Z College Students from Türkiye and the USA
    (2024) Yüksel, Peri; Günay Aksoy, Şennur
    This IRB-approved study examined the Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) phenomenon among Generation Z (Gen Z) college students in Türkiye and the USA (N=637 aged 18-25; 20.09% male, 78.65% female, 1.26% other). A bilingual English-Turkish Qualtrics survey was distributed through online platforms at urban universities in both countries measuring questions selfreported online and offline behaviors, clinical diagnoses and a 17-item FoMO Scale. Results suggest that FoMO is a universal phenomenon on campus across cultures, associated with mental disorders and increased usage of various social media platforms, R 2=.083, F(3, 633)=19.00 p< .001. Also, problematic social media usage (i.e., passive online engagement, observing others' posts) was associated with FoMO, ?p2 =.056, F(1,636)=37.41, p< .001.This comparative study offers valuable cross-cultural insights on mental health and social media, yet its moderate sample size and reliance on self-reports, limits the establishment of causation. Future research should explore the developmental impact of popular media platform usage and develop diagnostic strategies to mitigate FoMO among Gen Z students, ultimately enhancing their well-being and productivity as they transition into society. Moreso, this study underscores the role of stakeholders in assisting Gen Z students in regulating their online and offline behaviors to improve their overall well-being.
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    Optimism in Positive Psychology
    (2024) Gezgin, Ulaş Başar; Hasan Hüseyin, Öztürk
    Optimism is one of the most important concepts in positive psychology. The benefits of being an optimist seem to outweigh the disadvantages by far. Most of the research supports this idea, and this is also how the general public thinks. By being an optimist, we expect good things to happen in the future, and we believe we can achieve our goals. On the contrary, if we are a pessimist, we tend to believe that things will not go our way. Consequently, we will have less motivation to act. In this article, we take a closer look at optimism in positive psychology, which is the kind of psychology that approaches the human psyche not from the aspect of psychopathology, but human thriving. Optimism is not as simple as it sometimes may sound. In this article, we examine its strong impact on well-being, life satisfaction, and even perceived pain management. But since optimism is not without any disadvantages, we also examined how some types of optimism, such as being too optimistic, can be not that good. Likewise, we talked about how some types of pessimism such as defensive pessimism can be beneficial in some cases. The most important point we find is that, the context is crucial when it comes to what kind of psychological attitude we should take, in terms of optimism or pessimism
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    Psychopathological Analysis of Adolescent Girls With Autoimmune Thyroiditis
    (Springernature, 2023) Aydın, Engin; Aydın, Dilek Bingöl; Bulut, Gresa Çarkaxhiu; İşgüven, Şükriye Pınar
    Aim: Clinical studies indicate that there is an association between high levels of thyroid autoantibodies and psychiatric disorders, independent of impairment of thyroid function. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the association between thyroid autoimmunity and mood disorders in euthyroid girls with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) in a case-control study.Material and methods: We recruited 82 participants: 41 pubertal female patients with thyroiditis from endocrine outpatient clinics and a control group of 41 healthy pubertal girls from the University Hospital. Age ranged from 12 to 18 years; the diagnosis of HT was based on high levels of anti-TPO and/or anti-Tg antibodies associated with a hypoechogenic or normal thyroid ultrasound pattern. Other comorbidities known to affect mental and physical health were exclusion factors. All participants underwent a complete thyroid evaluation, assays of serum-free T4, TSH, anti-TPO antibodies, anti-Tg antibodies, and thyroid ultrasonography. They were then referred to a child psychiatrist. A psychiatric diagnosis was made in two steps. First, the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI) and Screen for Child Anxiety-Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED) tests were implemented according to the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria to be calculated. Second, the same psychiatrist conducted a K-SADS-PL semi-structured interview while unaware of the children's data.Results: There was no significant difference in CDI score between patients with and without HT (p = 0.47). Patients with HT had significantly higher SCARED scores than patients without HT (p < 0.05). In the SCARED test, the subcategories of separation anxiety and social anxiety were significantly higher in the HT group (p = 0.04 and p = 0.01, respectively). During the K-SADS interview by the attending child psychiatrist, psychopathology diagnoses were detected in 27 of 41 patients (66%) with HT and in 8 of 41 individuals (19.5%) in the control group. Psychopathology was significantly higher in the HT group (p < 0.01). The incidences of depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and social phobia were significantly higher in the HT group than in the control group (p < 0.05). Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that the anti-TPO value was the most significant independent risk factor for the presence of depressive disorder (p < 0.01).Conclusion: This study described severe psychometric impairment in patients with euthyroid HT. We have demonstrated that autoimmune thyroid diseases, even in a euthyroid state, are associated with psychiatric disorders.
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    Hipokampal Alt Alan Hacimleri ve Afektif Hatırlama: Negatif, Nötr ve Pozitif Görüntülerle İlişkili Cinsiyet Farklılıkları
    (21. Ulusal Sinirbilim Kongresi, 2023) Elen, Mehmet Akif; Kızıl, Alev
    Hipokampal Alt Alan Hacimleri ve Afektif Hatırlama: Negatif, Nötr ve Pozitif Görüntülerle İlişkili Cinsiyet Farklılıkları Hippocampal Subfield Volumetry and Affective Memory Recall: Gender Differences Associated with Negative, Neutral and Positive Images
  • Öğe
    Forgiveness in Positive Psychology
    (2024) Nunes, Luísa; Gezgin, Ulaş Başar
    The focus of this work is forgiveness. To give a little framework and to contextualize the chosen topic we start this work by introducing positive psychology as the field that studies human potential and in this article the aims of this area were explained. Some definitions that researchers have found for forgiveness were analyzed, as well as some of the aspects that influence the process of forgiving such as temporal aspects (i.e. time elements), age, and culture. Some of the aspects that interventions should include such as psycho-education and the time that can be useful to think about the process of forgiving were described as well as some measures that can help evaluate the forgiveness process. To conclude although forgiveness is an area that has been studied, we believe that much more research could benefit knowledge about this vast topic.
  • Öğe
    The Effects of Social Media on Development of Adolescence
    (IKSAD Publications, 2024) Özkan, Zeynep; Gezgin, Ulaş Başar
    Social media network usage has increased noticeably during the Covid-19 period according to statistical research. Especially for adolescents between the ages of 13 and 17 who are in search of identity, and both are prone to social interaction and closed to communication, social media use has become more widespread than adults in this period. Young people's demand for social media has made examining the impact areas of social media on adolescents important for the health of the cognitive and emotional development of generations. According to research, social media channels have both negative and positive effects on adolescents in terms of mental health, academic life, and communication skills. There are particularly fundamental points that social media has negative effects on for adolescents such as triggering adolescents' tendency to compare themselves and so strengthening mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety, disrupting sleep routines and creating addiction, causing face-to-face communication skills to deteriorate, and facilitating bullying. Although social media has negative effects on the development of adolescents, there are undeniable advantages using social media for instance, it has wide range of platforms that teenagers can reflect their personalities and reaching wider circles, being able to work in groups in more practic and rapid ways and gaining support groups about the issues they feel lonely or insufficient.
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    Yapay zekâ aslında ilk hesap aleti abaküsten çıktı
    (Ahmet Güven, 2023) Gezgin, Ulaş Başar
    Yapay zekâ, son yıllarda hızla gelişen ve toplumu her yönden dönüştüren bir teknolojiler kümesidir. Yapay zekânın mevcut durumunu, yarattığı gerilimleri ve gelecekteki gelişimini anlamak için, felsefeden yararlanmak önemlidir. Felsefe, varlık, bilgi, değer ve ahlak gibi temel kavramları inceleyen bir disiplindir ve bu kavramlar, yapay zekânın doğası, bilgisi ve elbette etik boyutlarını yorumlamamıza yardımcı olabilir. Bu bilimsel soruşturma, yapay zekâ ve felsefeyi inceleyen dokuz akademisyenin görüşlerini bir araya getiriyor. Bu akademisyenler, felsefe, bilgisayar bilimi, yapay zekâ, etik ve iletişim gibi çeşitli disiplinlerden geliyorlar. Soruşturmada, yapay zekânın felsefi temelleri, toplumsal boyutları, etik sorunları ve geleceği hakkında farklı bakış açıları sunulmaktadır. Soruşturmanın amacı, yapay zekânın hem teorik hem de pratik yönlerini ele alarak, bu alanda yeni ufuklar açmak ve okuyucuları derinlemesine düşünmeye teşvik etmektir. Kesin olan şudur ki, yapay zekâ teknolojilerinin faydaları, riskleri ve geleceği hakkında bilinçli kararlar vermek için, felsefenin rehberliğine ihtiyacımız var.
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    Psychology of confession in forensic psychology
    (ISARC, 2024) Öztürk, Hasan Hüseyin; Gezgin, Ulaş Başar
    Confession is an important part of the criminal justice system, and it’s an important topic in forensic psychology. Much through history, the overlook on confession has been pretty narrow. If someone confessed to a crime, it was the end of it. They were guilty. However, with the development of forensic psychology, we are now aware of many different types of confessions, including false ones. What does this say about our legal system and what can we do about it? In this article, we examined different kinds of confessions, and why they happen. We talked about the implications for the current legal system, and finally, we made our own suggestions about what can be done to improve the legal system with an understanding of the psychology of confession. Additionally, we examined and compared two interrogation methods, one named the Reid technique which was developed in the 1950s, and the other one named the PEACE method developed in the 90s. We also talked about the global usage of these methods. Finally, we concluded that educating the police and the officials in the legal system is very important because currently, the findings and knowledge about the psychology of confession are not sufficiently applied in real-life situations.
  • Öğe
    Health belief model
    (ISARC, 2024) Öztürk, Hasan Hüseyin; Gezgin, Ulaş Başar
    In this article, we explained the health belief model (HBM) in detail. We also talked about its origins and related theories. In short, HBM is a model arguing that people’s belief about their health can predict their health-related behaviors. Being one of the most widely accepted models in the field, it is used in many areas. But it’s not without downsides. Many researchers find HBM is not good enough in predicting health behavior and they believe that this model has a lot to improve. Therefore, we also examined possible additions to HBM variables. The standard variables are perceived susceptibility, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, and perceived severity. And one of the most important additions is self-efficacy and health motivation. Additionally, we talked about HBM in Turkey. We examined a few studies to get a grasp of the current situation of the model in the country. One study in Turkey finds that although the perceived benefits of mammography are higher than perceived barriers, women in rural areas did not undergo mammography at optimal rates. In conclusion, we think that the HBM model is indeed useful, but may also need a lot of improvement, particularly in the sociopsychological aspect. As an example, we examined a study regarding smoking cessation in relation to the HBM model.
  • Öğe
    Psikoloji ve yapay zekâ etiği
    (İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi, 2023) Cesur, Sevim; Karasu, Mehmet
    Yapay zekâ, hızla psikolojiye etki etmektedir. Yapay zekâya aşırı güven olarak nitelenen yapay zekâ fetişizmi ve tersine güvensizlik, yapay zekâ-insan ilişkisinde önem kazanmaktadır. Sohbet robotları (chatbot) özellikle bilişsel davranışçı ve insancıl terapistleri taklit etmekte ve yapılan çalışmalarda olumlu etkiler bıraktıkları gözlemlenmektedir. Öte yandan, yapay zekâ, etik davranıştan bağımsız değildir. Yapay zekânın psikolojide kullanımı birçok etik sorun doğurmaktadır. Bunların başında kişisel gizlilik sorunu gelmektedir. Öte yandan, terapiye erişimdeki toplumsal eşitsizliği kırmada, sohbet robotlarının etkili olması beklenmektedir. Kolay erişilebilirlik ve düşük maliyet, sohbet robotlarının olumlu özellikleri olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Sohbet robotları da insan terapistler gibi birtakım ahlaki ikilemler yaşarlar: Örneğin, bir sohbet robotu, danışan tarafından açıklanan bir suçu, ikili ilişki dışına taşımalı mıdır? Sohbet robotunun iki tepkisi de zarar verici olacaksa, sohbet robotu hasarı daha az olan seçeneği nasıl seçecektir? Ayrıca yapay zekâ, doğru verilerle eğitilmemişse ön yargılı olabilmektedir. Örneğin, daha önceki veriler ırkçı olduğu için Siyahları suçlu bulan yapay hukuk programları, ölümcül derecede yanıltıcı olabilmektedir. Aynısını yapay zekâ psikolojisi için de düşünebiliriz. Diğer ilgili kavramlar, algoritma şeffaflığı ile hesap verebilirlik ve bunların bir sonucu olan açıklanabilir yapay zekâ ve sorumlu yapay zekâ olmaktadır. Bu çalışma, henüz çok az çalışılan bir alandaki bir tartışma metnidir. Psikoloji bağlamında yapay zekâ etiği, adillik, güven, hesap verirlik, yinelenebilirlik; aydınlatılmış onam; yanlılık, güvenlik, şeffaflık, danışan gizliliği, kötüye kullanılma olasılığı gibi kavramları kapsamaktadır.
  • Öğe
    Yapay zeka ve bilinç: insan-merkezciliğin ötesinde
    (Serüven, 2023) Gezgin, Ulaş Başar; Aslan, Esra; Kılıç, Burcu
    Yapay zeka ve bilinç konusunu ele almak için, dar yapay zeka-genel yapay zeka ayrımına girmek gerekiyor. Dar yapay zeka belli işlerde uzmanlaşmış; insanı bütünlüğüyle taklit edemiyor. Genel yapay zeka, diğer adıyla güçlü yapay zeka, bunu yapabiliyor. Genel yapay zeka, hissetme, duygusal zeka, düş kurma, kendine gönderme yapma vb. özellikler taşıyarak bilinçli bir makine olma yolunda ilerleyecek (Ng ve Leung,2020). Butlin ve ark. (2023), şimdiye kadar bilinçli bir yapay zekanın geliştirilmediğini, ancak gelecekte bunun önünde bir engel olmayacağını ileri sürüyor.
  • Öğe
    Adapting to a new normal : changes in behavioral symptoms in children with ADHD during online education
    (Düzce Üniversitesi, 2023) Bulut, Gresa Çarkaxhiu; Gokce, Sebla; Gumustas, Funda
    Objective: Children with neurodevelopmental disorders, such as Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), are considered a particularly vulnerable group due to the distress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and associated social isolation measures. This study aimed to examine the alterations in symptoms of children with ADHD during the COVID-19 outbreak. Methods: Sociodemographic data and ADHD symptom scores, measured using the Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham scale (SNAP-IV) parent form, were obtained from patient files from the same educational year prior to the pandemic. In addition to pandemic-related inquiries, parents were requested to complete the SNAP form again to assess their children's current conditions. Results: Of the total 104 cases, 28.8% were female with a mean age of 10.5 (SD=2.4). There were no significant differences in ADHD symptom scores before and during quarantine. Participants who received regular online education had a significantly lower rate of externalizing problems. Children with parents who developed new onset negative emotional problems exhibited a significantly higher rate of internalizing problems. Participants whose fathers worked from home had a significantly lower rate of internalizing problems compared to children with fathers working in an office or who were unemployed. Conclusions: The pandemic did not induce changes in the core symptoms of ADHD. It is inferred that educational planning for children, parental well-being, and accommodating parents' employment opportunities are among the most critical factors in maint
  • Öğe
    Yapay zeka ve demokrasi : kullanılacak ve kötüye kullanılacak yapay zeka araçları
    (Serüven, 2023) Gezgin, Ulaş Başar; Aslan, Esra; Kılıç, Burcu
    Yapay zekanın şeffaflık ve hesap verebilirlik eksikliği, sıklıkla demokrasiye karşı faktörler olarak eleştiriliyor (Christodoulou ve Iordanou, 2021; König ve Wenzelburger , 2020). Yapay zeka demokrasiyi destekleyecekse şeffaf, hesap verebilir, tarafsız ve güvenilir olmalıdır (Manias ve diğerleri, 2023). Algoritmik önyargı, ayrımcılığa yol açtığı için demokrasi için büyük bir tehdittir (Ams, 2021). Yapay zeka, yanlış bilginin ve dezenformasyonun yayılmasını kolaylaştırır (Brkan, 2019; Coeckelbergh , 2022; Kreps ve Kriner, 2023). Mikro hedefleme adı verilen bir süreç, potansiyel olarak sosyal medyada seçmenleri hedeflemek için kullanılabilir (Brkan, 2019). Botlar demokratik süreçleri etkileyecek şekilde kamuoyunu etkilemek için kullanılabilir (Brkan, 2019). Sorun, botların insan olmayan kimliklerini açıklamamasıdır (Brkan, 2019). Örnek olarak, Brexit referandumunun yapay zeka kullanımıyla manipüle edildiği iddialarının ardından, oyların meşru olmadığı düşünülüyor ve bu da yeni bir referandum talebinin önünü açıyor ( Wogu ve ark., 2021).
  • Öğe
    Psikoloji ve yapay zeka
    (Serüven, 2023) Gezgin, Ulaş Başar; Aslan, Esra; Kılıç, Burcu
    Yapay zeka ve psikoloji ilişkisi, özellikle konuşma robotların yaygınlaşmasıyla öne çıkan bir konu olmakta. Bu tartışmalar genellikle klinik alanları kapsarken, yapay zeka ile psikolojinin diğer birçok alt dalının ilişkisi yeterince incelenmemekte. Bu çalışmada, bu boşluğun doldurulması amaçlanıyor. Her bir psikoloji alt alanı yapay zeka bağlamında tartışılıyor, varsa bulgular paylaşılıyor ve birtakım önerilerde bulunuluyor.
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    [kitap bölümü] Yapay zeka ve toplum : yapay zeka sosyolojisiyle eleştirel bir bakış
    (Serüven, 2023) Gezgin, Ulaş Başar; Aslan, Esra; Kılıç, Burcu
    Yapay zeka sosyolojisi kavramının ilk kez anılması yaklaşık 40 yıl önceye gidiyor (Woolgar, 1985). Erken dönem çalışmalardan kimisi (örneğin, Carley, 1996), yapay zeka sosyolojisinden yapay zeka yöntemleriyle sosyoloji yapmayı anlıyor. Daha yakın dönem bir yaklaşıma göre, yapay zeka sosyolojisi, yapay zekaya kaynaklık eden ve yapay zekanın yarattığı toplumsal eşitsizlikleri inceler (Joyce ve ark., 2021), bir başkasına göre ise, yapay zeka ile toplumsal dönüşüm ilişkisini (Yolgörmez, 2021)... Bir diğer kaynak, yapay zekayla ilişkili yanlılıklara ve adaletsizliklere odaklanıyor (Sartori & Theodorou, 2022). Bu durum, yapay zekanın şeffaflığına, hesap verirliğine, anlatılabilirliğine vb. yönelik çağrıları doğuruyor.
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    Turnitin, plagiarism, AI similarity index and AI-generated content : a discussion
    (Serüven, 2023) Koca, Ş.; Pekdağ, B.
    Abstract Plagiarism is one of the unwritten epidemics in the academia. Fortunately, plagiarism detection software such as Turnitin has been developed to counter the prevalence of plagiarism. The use of Turnitin alone has reduced blatant forms of plagiarism, but it has certain limitations Furthermore, training is necessary to maintain academic integrity. Students have various reasons to plagiarize. Some of them involve deliberate acts while some others refer to lack of skills. Students are not the only ones to be held responsible for maintaining academic integrity. The institutions and faculty have obligations as well. Turnitin is preferred for the fact that its release of similarities scores is consistent with quantitative expectations of stakeholders. The focus, on the other hand, should be on writing skills development rather plagiarism detection only. In that sense, Turnitin is based on a negative understanding of human psychology which is inconsistent with the positive psychology movement. The new challenge for Turnitin is the AI-generated content. Turnitin responded by introducing AI similarity index which needs more research. In this paper these issues relevant for Turnitin and academic integrity are discussed.
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    Applied Cross-Cultural Psychology : A Theoretical Exploration
    (Serüven, 2023) Akgül, Hasan; Selamoğlu, Zeliha
    Abstract This study theoretically explores applied cross-cultural psychology, applying cross-cultural psychology approach to various subdivisions of psychology such as peace psychology, political psychology, environmental psychology, health psychology, educational psychology, personality psychology, sport psychology, clinical psychology, forensic psychology, history of psychology, philosophical psychology, economic psychology, critical psychology, social psychology, (industrial) organizational psychology, positive psychology, cognitive psychology, and consumer psychology. Emerging research in each blossoming subfield is reviewed respectively. In some fields, we see a higher number of research in this area such as “cross-cultural social psychology”, while in others the research is null or near null (e.g., cross-cultural forensic psychology and cross-cultural philosophical psychology). One distinction that appears in those new research areas as a whole is that between within country cultural comparisons involving races and ethnicities, and across-border comparisons. Both are useful for research interests. The author hopes that this paper contributes to the cross-cultural turn in psychology fields, challenging colonial-era assumptions of universality of psychological knowledge developed in the Global West and WASP only.