Forgiveness in Positive Psychology
Carreira, L.T.N.N. & Gezgin, U.B. (2024). Forgiveness in Positive Psychology. International Topkapi Congress (1-2 May 2024). (pp.748-753)
The focus of this work is forgiveness. To give a little framework and to contextualize the chosen topic we start this work by introducing positive psychology as the field that studies human potential and in this article the aims of this area were explained. Some definitions that researchers have found for forgiveness were analyzed, as well as some of the aspects that influence the process of forgiving such as temporal aspects (i.e. time elements), age, and culture. Some of the aspects that interventions should include such as psycho-education and the time that can be useful to think about the process of forgiving were described as well as some measures that can help evaluate the forgiveness process. To conclude although forgiveness is an area that has been studied, we believe that much more research could benefit knowledge about this vast topic.