Psikoloji Bölümü Koleksiyonu
Recent Submissions
From Convenience to Consequences: Unraveling FOMO in the Lives of Gen Z College Students from Türkiye and the USA
(2024)This IRB-approved study examined the Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) phenomenon among Generation Z (Gen Z) college students in Türkiye and the USA (N=637 aged 18-25; 20.09% male, 78.65% female, 1.26% other). A bilingual ... -
Optimism in Positive Psychology
(2024)Optimism is one of the most important concepts in positive psychology. The benefits of being an optimist seem to outweigh the disadvantages by far. Most of the research supports this idea, and this is also how the general ... -
Psychopathological Analysis of Adolescent Girls With Autoimmune Thyroiditis
(Springernature, 2023)Aim: Clinical studies indicate that there is an association between high levels of thyroid autoantibodies and psychiatric disorders, independent of impairment of thyroid function. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the ... -
Hipokampal Alt Alan Hacimleri ve Afektif Hatırlama: Negatif, Nötr ve Pozitif Görüntülerle İlişkili Cinsiyet Farklılıkları
(21. Ulusal Sinirbilim Kongresi, 2023)Hipokampal Alt Alan Hacimleri ve Afektif Hatırlama: Negatif, Nötr ve Pozitif Görüntülerle İlişkili Cinsiyet Farklılıkları Hippocampal Subfield Volumetry and Affective Memory Recall: Gender Differences Associated with ... -
Forgiveness in Positive Psychology
(2024)The focus of this work is forgiveness. To give a little framework and to contextualize the chosen topic we start this work by introducing positive psychology as the field that studies human potential and in this article ... -
The Effects of Social Media on Development of Adolescence
(IKSAD Publications, 2024)Social media network usage has increased noticeably during the Covid-19 period according to statistical research. Especially for adolescents between the ages of 13 and 17 who are in search of identity, and both are prone ... -
Yapay zekâ aslında ilk hesap aleti abaküsten çıktı
(Ahmet Güven, 2023)Yapay zekâ, son yıllarda hızla gelişen ve toplumu her yönden dönüştüren bir teknolojiler kümesidir. Yapay zekânın mevcut durumunu, yarattığı gerilimleri ve gelecekteki gelişimini anlamak için, felsefeden yararlanmak ... -
Psychology of confession in forensic psychology
(ISARC, 2024)Confession is an important part of the criminal justice system, and it’s an important topic in forensic psychology. Much through history, the overlook on confession has been pretty narrow. If someone confessed to a crime, ... -
Health belief model
(ISARC, 2024)In this article, we explained the health belief model (HBM) in detail. We also talked about its origins and related theories. In short, HBM is a model arguing that people’s belief about their health can predict their ... -
Psikoloji ve yapay zekâ etiği
(İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi, 2023)Yapay zekâ, hızla psikolojiye etki etmektedir. Yapay zekâya aşırı güven olarak nitelenen yapay zekâ fetişizmi ve tersine güvensizlik, yapay zekâ-insan ilişkisinde önem kazanmaktadır. Sohbet robotları (chatbot) özellikle ... -
Yapay zeka ve bilinç: insan-merkezciliğin ötesinde
(Serüven, 2023)Yapay zeka ve bilinç konusunu ele almak için, dar yapay zeka-genel yapay zeka ayrımına girmek gerekiyor. Dar yapay zeka belli işlerde uzmanlaşmış; insanı bütünlüğüyle taklit edemiyor. Genel yapay zeka, diğer adıyla güçlü ... -
Adapting to a new normal : changes in behavioral symptoms in children with ADHD during online education
(Düzce Üniversitesi, 2023)Objective: Children with neurodevelopmental disorders, such as Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), are considered a particularly vulnerable group due to the distress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and associated ... -
Yapay zeka ve demokrasi : kullanılacak ve kötüye kullanılacak yapay zeka araçları
(Serüven, 2023)Yapay zekanın şeffaflık ve hesap verebilirlik eksikliği, sıklıkla demokrasiye karşı faktörler olarak eleştiriliyor (Christodoulou ve Iordanou, 2021; König ve Wenzelburger , 2020). Yapay zeka demokrasiyi destekleyecekse ... -
Psikoloji ve yapay zeka
(Serüven, 2023)Yapay zeka ve psikoloji ilişkisi, özellikle konuşma robotların yaygınlaşmasıyla öne çıkan bir konu olmakta. Bu tartışmalar genellikle klinik alanları kapsarken, yapay zeka ile psikolojinin diğer birçok alt dalının ilişkisi ... -
[kitap bölümü] Yapay zeka ve toplum : yapay zeka sosyolojisiyle eleştirel bir bakış
(Serüven, 2023)Yapay zeka sosyolojisi kavramının ilk kez anılması yaklaşık 40 yıl önceye gidiyor (Woolgar, 1985). Erken dönem çalışmalardan kimisi (örneğin, Carley, 1996), yapay zeka sosyolojisinden yapay zeka yöntemleriyle sosyoloji ... -
Turnitin, plagiarism, AI similarity index and AI-generated content : a discussion
(Serüven, 2023)Abstract Plagiarism is one of the unwritten epidemics in the academia. Fortunately, plagiarism detection software such as Turnitin has been developed to counter the prevalence of plagiarism. The use of Turnitin alone has ... -
Applied Cross-Cultural Psychology : A Theoretical Exploration
(Serüven, 2023)Abstract This study theoretically explores applied cross-cultural psychology, applying cross-cultural psychology approach to various subdivisions of psychology such as peace psychology, political psychology, environmental ... -
Positive organizational psychology : an overview
(15th International Istanbul Scientific Research Congress on Life, Engineering, and Applied Sciences., 2023)Abstract Positive behaviors in the work setting. An important term under positive emotion is emotional contagion. This refers to how employees mimic their leader's emotions and how those emotions spread from person to ... -
Self-Stigma, Public Stigma and Treatment-Seeking Behavior: Why Don’t People Seek Psychological Support?
(ASEAD, 2023)Why don’t people seek psychological support when they are in need? What are the underlying psychological factors? In this study we examine the links between self-stigma of seeking help, public stigma of seeking help and ... -
Unveiling gender dysphoria experiences in Turkish young adults : challenges, perspectives, and implications in health care settings
(Dovepress, 2023)Purpose: Gender dysphoria (GD) emerged as a focal area in child and adolescent development research. While the intricacies of diagnosis and interventions for GD intertwine with diverse socio-cultural challenges, a notable ...